The Export FBX Settings from 3D Tools

Because files in FBX format can include both meshes and animations, most 3D tools are able to export in this format. When you want to import an FBX into 3DXchange, certain settings must be adjusted to ensure the contents included in the file are correct.

Export FBX from Max, Maya or Similar 3D Tools

  1. Access the Export FBX feature.
  2. Enter the drop-down list and select the Autodesk Media & Entertainment item.
  3. If the model contains animations, then expand the Animation section, activate the Animation box to include the animation (and T-pose for biped character) to the FBX file.
  4. Expand the Embed Media section, activate the box to include the textures and materials in the FBX file.
  5. Click the OK button to export.

Export FBX from DAZ 4

If you want to export a boneless model from DAZ 4, then you need to export it as a prop. By including the animations of the prop, the file in FBX format can be loaded into 3DXchange with both the meshes and the animations.

  1. Go to File >> Export....
  2. An FBX Options panel shows.
  3. Click the Accept button to export.