Attaching Accessories to a Face

You can make accessories by attaching props to any part of a character's body. Now Animators can accessorize their characters at will.


  • Please attach accessories to the Face instead of specific facial features in order to avoid unexpected results.
  • Multi-angle accessories are not supported in this version yet.

Wearing Accessory

  1. In the Stage Mode, select a character and click the Character Composer button.
  2. Switch to the Prop tab in the Content Manager.
  3. Drag and drop the prop onto the face. Doing this will cause it to attach to the face and become an accessory.

    From the Scene item in the Scene Manager, you can see that the accessory is already a sub-node of the face.
  4. Click the Back to Stage button and update the character. Whenever the character performs, the accessory will move accordingly.