Guides for PopcornFX Super Tools > Mesh Emitter > Adjustments for Individual Particles > Casting Shadow

Casting Shadows

Each particle can cast shadow in order to give an illusion that it is a solid entity in the 3D scene, which is not possible with iClone's Legacy Particle effects.

  1. Create a PopcornFX particle effect in the project.

  2. Scroll to the Particle Mode section to view the resource that constitute this effect.

    Blend Mode

    Mesh Max

    Particle Resource

    Solid Color Lit

    1, 2, 3 or 4

    Emitter/Solid_Color/Mesh_1, Emitter/Solid_Color/Mesh_2, Emitter/Solid_Color/Mesh_3, Emitter/Solid_Color/Mesh_4


    1, 2, 3 or 4

    Emitter/Additive/Mesh_1, Emitter/Additive/Mesh_2, Emitter/Additive/Mesh_3, Emitter/Additive/Mesh_4

  3. According to the resource table above, select the item from the Resource List in the Particle section (in this case, Emitter/Solid_Color/Mesh_1).
  4. Activate the Cast Shadow checkbox near the bottom of the Particle section.

    Simulate or playback to view the particle effect now with cast shadows.