Guides for PopcornFX Super Tools > Mesh Emitter > Particle Settings with Texture Image > Using Color_Map_on_Mesh Texture

Using Color_Map_on_Mesh Texture

When using PopfornFX particle system, you are allowed to design different areas on a mesh emitter for emitting particles with desired colors. Just prepare a custom image with arranged colors to guide the emission of the particles.

  1. Prepare a custom mesh (This case, a plane with material applied).
  2. Apply a Mesh Emitter template from the Content Manager.
  3. Simulate and adjust the Emitter Settings and Particle Settings.
  4. Pick the prop as the custom emitter.

  5. Simulate (Shift + S) or playback to view the result. The entire plane is now emitting particles.
  6. Stop simulation.
  7. Load a prepared prop.
  8. Sample the prop as the resources of the particles.
  9. Simulate again, adjust the Emitter Settings and Particle Settings again to cover the entire plane with the particles.
  10. Stop the simulation and select the Color_Map_on_Mesh item from the Sampler List.
  11. Load a prepared image to the Texture Resource channel in the Emitter section.
  12. Make sure to activate the Use Color Map on Mesh check box in the Use Custom Resource subsection under the Emitter Settings section.
  13. Hide the target prop (the piece of yarn, in this case).
  14. Simulate or playback to observe the result.