Guides for PopcornFX Super Tools > Mesh Emitter > Physics


The advance feature of the PopcornFX particle system is that the particles have physics property. They are now able to collide with and bounce back from any other physics objects in the scene, or even push these objects away.

Particle Mass

The Particle Mass is used to determine the weightiness of the particles. When the particles mass is set higher than the target physics objects they hit, the particles bounce back less and the objects will be pushed away more, otherwise, they will bounce back more and the targets will be pushed away less.

Particle Mass = 0.01

Particle Mass = 1.00

Bounce Strength

This setting determines how far the particles will bounce back when they hit another physics object.

Bounce Strength = 0.10

Bounce Strength = 1.00

Collision Count

You can have the particles bouncing certain times when they hit a surface (mostly the physics floor) by setting this value. Notice that after the bouncing time is finished, the particle will be perished even though it has not reached its max lifetime set in the Basic Attribute.

Collision Count = 2

Collision Count = 5

End of Collision

The End of Collision determines the behaviors for the particles when they have bounce enough time by the Collision Count while still be alive, you can then use this setting to accumulate particles on certain surface on which the particles fall.


The particles will be vanished when the bouncing time hits the Collision Count.


The particles will be stay still until then end of their life when the bouncing time hits the Collision Count.