Relation Between Puppet Profile and Muscle Mapping

Basically, each individual section in the illustration below defines the moving limitations of the face muscles.

Viewing the Detailed Muscle Parameters in iClone

The mapping results in iClone Face Puppeteering Panel can be seen by following the steps below:

  1. Launch iClone and load a character that has already been mapped with facial muscle movements and converted to an iAvatar (iClone standard or non-standard character).
  2. Go to Animation >> Facial Animation >> Modify Panel >> Facial Edit section >> Face Puppet button.
  3. Click the Edit Property button to show the basic facial muscle parameters.
  4. Press the Ctrl + F2 key to display the advanced settings panel in which the values of individual muscle settings are kept.

    Click the links below to view the mapping charts:

How Does Muscle Mapping Work?

The relations of the mapping between the Expression Editor >> Muscle (3DXChange) and the Facial Puppeteering Panel (iClone) are as described below. Take the Nose Scrunch as an example: