Setting Spring Effects

After you apply a spring effect to a bone node (or any extended bones for a character), the node can then start to bounce in a translating or a rotating manner. By further adjusting the settings for the node, you can determine the bouncing result.

Before applying spring effects to a node, you need to perform the following parameter adjustments:

  1. Load a model with a bone-skinned structure (character or prop).
  2. Click the Edit Spring button in the Spring section.

    The Modify panel will switch to Spring Editing mode.
  3. Select one or more bones to which you want to apply spring effects.
  4. Click the Active Spring button.

Translate and Rotate

The spring type can be set to Translate or Rotate, which determines the bouncing manner for the nodes. Please note that the result will be unexpected if you apply a mixture of Translate and Rotate values to different nodes in a group.

Soft and Hard

The softness of the spring effect can be applied to individual elements in a spring group (please refer to the next section for more information about the Spring Group), which determines the looseness of the nodes when they bounce.

Soft and Hard

Since the Soft / Hard slider determines the values of any element in a group, it is recommended that you set the nodes that are away from the root node with a harder value while the ones closer to the root with a softer one. This can ensure the spring chain naturally trembles without too much jittering.




  • Please refer to the Editing Spring Groups section for more information about setting the overall spring effects.