Exporting Face-body Animated iClone Characters to 3D Tools

This pipeline is a basic one for understanding the workflow of exporting an iClone character with body motions and facial animations to other 3D tools, such as Maya, 3DS Max or Unity.

Step 1: Create Character and Motions in iClone

  1. Prepare a character in iClone.
  2. Apply body motion by applying templates from the Motion libraries or by using the Body Motion features in the Animation >> Motion >> Modify panel.
  3. Apply voice to the character.
  4. Add facial expressions by applying templates from the Facial Animation libraries or by using the Facial Animation features in the Animation >> Facial Animation >> Modify panel.
  5. Open the Timeline and you will see the character's motion and expressions in individual tracks (in this case, the character has two body motions and one voice with expression).

Step 2: Export Character and Motions to 3DXchange

  1. Select the character and switch to the Actor >> Avatar page.
  2. Click the Edit in 3DXChange button in the Modify panel. The character will be sent to the 3DXchange.
  3. Go back to iClone. Export body motions and facial animations into MotionPlus (*.iMotionPlus) format for using in 3DXchange in one of the following methods:

Step 3: Export Body Motions and Facial Expressions as FBX

  1. Go to 3DXchange. Add the desired clips from the Motion Library to the Perform Editor.
  2. Export the character along with the motions as FBX files (version 2012).
  3. Load the exported FBX files into your favorite 3D tools. Please refer to the What is MotionPlus section for more information about the relationships between MotionPlus and FBX formats.

    The rendered video from Maya (with motion blur effect).