Child elements and their varieties

Child Elements display components that are attached to particular building parts within the Regular and Cut Corner pools, while Varieties store additional variations of the selected components that are used to enhance building details and decorations.

The attached components will display under Child Elements when the associated building part is selected.

Regular building part with one child element.

Regular building part without a single child element.

Regular building part with multiple child elements.

Enabling and disabling child elements has a direct impact on the availability of those elements when using the blueprint gizmo.

Using the blueprint gizmo while child elements are enabled.

Using the blueprint gizmo while child elements are disabled.

Additional variations for the selected child elements will appear under Varieties.

Child element with multiple prop variations.

Child element with only one variation.

Simply click on the checkbox for each variation (under Varieties) to include or exclude them from the possible building permutations.

Child element with multiple prop variations activated.

Child element with only a single variation activated.