Flipping Hip

Unlike the object flipping setting that have a character or prop flip to the opposite side of the object pivot, the Flipping Hip mirrors the limb bones to the opposite side of the Hip bone. You can then use this feature to create back and forth motions.

  1. Create or apply a character.
  2. Apply a motion for the character (in this case, Walk Forward).
  3. Make sure the character is selected and open the 2D Motion Key Editor.
  4. Go to a desired frame where you wish the character to make a turn to the other side.
  5. Click the Flip Hip button. As you can see the character flips to the opposite direction of the Hip.
  6. Repeat the Steps 4 and 5 to create back and forth motions. The Flipping keys will be recorded on the Flip Hip track under the Motion main track.
  7. Right click on the motion clip and execute the Flatten Motion Clip command from the context menu to merge the Flipping keys into the motion clip.
  8. Collect the clips and export it to the Custom Motion Library. Drag the flipping motion to another characters.