Shortcuts in Modes

Layer Editor |
Function |
Shortcut (Windows) |
Multiple Select/Deselect Sprites |
Ctrl + Shift + Select Sprite |
Multiple Select/Deselect Sprites |
Ctrl + Select Sprite |
Face Puppet Editor |
Function |
Shortcut (Windows) |
Preview Start/Stop |
Spacebar |
Record Start |
Ctrl + Enter |
Face Puppet Profile |
1, 2, 3, ... - During Previewing or Recording |
Face Puppet Control |
Q, W, E, R, T, Y - During Previewing or Recording |
2D Motion Key Editor |
Function |
Shortcut (Windows) |
Tree List Select |
Up / Down Arrow Keys |
Lock/Unlock End Effector on Viewport |
Control + Left Mouse Button (pick bone) |
End Effector Rotation |
1 |
Keep End Effector Angle |
2 |
Stretch Bone |
3 |
Keep Bend Direction |
4 |
Reverse Joint Angle |
5 |
Adjust Selected Bone |
E + Drag Bone |
FFD Editor |
Function |
Shortcut (Windows) |
Preset Categories |
1 ~ 6 |
Mirror Check |
M |
Reset |
R |
Average |
A |
Show Bones |
B |
Spring Editor |
Function |
Shortcut (Windows) |
Preview Spring Effect |
Spacebar |

Render > Image |
Function |
Shortcut (Windows) |
All Sections Expand |
Ctrl + "+" |
All Sections Collapse |
Ctrl + "-" |
Render > Video |
Function |
Shortcut (Windows) |
All Sections Expand |
Ctrl + "+" |
All Sections Collapse |
Ctrl + "-" |
Working Area |
Function |
Shortcut (Windows) |
G3 Layer Manager |
F6 |
Undo |
Ctrl + Z |
Redo |
Ctrl + Y |
Show Validate Multi-Angle Setup |
Select Sprite + M |
Show Actor Proportion |
P |
Show Render Style |
R |
Show Sprite Editor |
Select Sprite + S |
G2 and G2+ Actor Angle Key |
] (45 degrees rightward) |
G2 and G2+ Actor Angle Key |
[ (45 degrees leftward) |
Show/Hide Bone |
B |
Hide Selected Object |
H |
Show All Objects |
Ctrl + H |
Mirror Selected Sprite |
Ctrl + Shift + M |
Mirror to Actor Left |
Ctrl + Left Arrow Key |
Mirror to Actor Right |
Ctrl + Right Arrow Key |
Add Sprite Image (multi-angle) |
Drag Image to Sprite or Bone |
Add Sprite Image (single-angle) |
Ctrl + Drag Image to Sprite or Bone (single angle) |
Replace Sprite Image (multi-angle) |
Alt + Drag Image to Sprite or Bone (single angle) |
Replace Sprite Image (single-angle) |
Ctrl + Alt + Drag Image to Sprite or Bone (single angle) |
Actor Proportion |
Function |
Shortcut (Windows) |
Focus on Specific Profile |
Up/Down/Left/Right Arrow Keys |
Apply Profile to Current Actor |
Enter |
SVG Group Editor |
Function |
Shortcut (Windows) |
Ctrl + C |
Grouping Selected Groups |
Ctrl + E |
Merging Selected Groups |
Sprite Editor |
Function |
Shortcut (Windows) |
Preview/Stop Animated SWF |
Spacebar |
Add Full Angle |
Ctrl + N |
Add Current Angle |
Ctrl + Shift + N |
Replace Full Angle |
Ctrl + R |
Replace Current Angle |
Ctrl + Shift + R |
Copy to All Angles |
Ctrl + O |
Copy to Current Angle |
Ctrl + Shift + O |
Delete Current Sprite |
Delete |
Delete Full Angle |
Ctrl + Delete |
Delete Current Angle |
Ctrl + Shift + Delete |
Show/Hide Full Angle Setting Panel |
T |
Face Mask Editor |
Function |
Shortcut (Windows) |
Undo |
Ctrl + Z |
Redo |
Ctrl + Y |
Zoom in/out |
Mouse wheel |
Zoom In |
+ |
Zoom Out |
- |
Zoom Fit |
* |
Zoom Real Size |
/ |
Brush Size |
[ to decrease |
Color Range |
Mouse Click + Shift to increase |
Brush |
B |
Eraser |
E |
Blur |
R |
Mask Editor |
Function |
Shortcut (Windows) |
Zoom in/out |
Mouse wheel |
Zoom In |
+ |
Zoom Out |
- |
Zoom Fit |
* |
Zoom Real Size |
/ |
Brush Size |
[ to decrease |
Brush |
B |
Eraser |
E |
Bone Editor |
Function |
Shortcut (Windows) |
Add Bone |
B |
Finish Add Pin/Preview/Align/Connect |
Right Mouth Button Click/ESC |
Shift Bone |
E |
Release Pin |
Alt + Q |
Mode Switch |
Function |
Shortcut (Windows) |
Transform Part |
1 |
Transform Sprite |
2 |
Transform Bone |
3 |
Layer Manager |
Function |
Shortcut (Windows) |
Focus Layer Item |
Page Up/Page Down |
Head Animation Setup |
Function |
Shortcut (Windows) |
Transform (single node) |
E + Drag Bone |
Transform |
T |
Deform |
D |
Image (Sprite) |
I |
Weight |
W |
Copy/Paste |
V |
Mirror |
M |
Average |
A |
Onion Layer |
O |
Face Fitting Related Steps |
Function |
Shortcut (Windows) |
Undo |
Ctrl + Z |
Redo |
Ctrl + Y |
Zoom In |
+ |
Zoom Out |
- |
Zoom Fit |
* |
Zoom Real Size |
/ |
Preview/Stop |
Spacebar |
Eye Settings |
Function |
Shortcut (Windows) |
Preview/Stop |
Spacebar |
Left Eye |
+ |
Right Eye |
- |
Check Eye |
. |
Spring Editor |
Function |
Shortcut (Windows) |
Preview Spring Effect |
Spacebar |
Miscellanea |
Function |
Shortcut (Windows) |
Fix SWF Broken Issues |
Ctrl + L |
Import Model |
Ctrl + M |