Using the Sprite Editor to Switch Sprite Hand Gestures

The body parts of a character are actually sprites with one or more elements inside. By using the Sprite Editor, you may switch to any elements in a body part, which all together compose the look of the character. You may also use this method to switch hand gestures during different time frames.

  1. Select a character whose hands contains more elements inside.
  2. Go to a different time frame.
  3. Click the Sprite Editor button.
  4. Pick one of the hands of the character. You may then see all the elements listed in the Sprite Editor.

    Hand selected

    Elements in the Sprite Editor

  5. Select one of the elements which will set a Switch to the hand.
  6. Select another hand and repeat Step 4.
  7. Different hand gestures will then be assigned.
  8. Go to different time frames and repeat the procedure to assign more hand gestures to the character.