G2+ Head with Multiple Angles

The default G2+ (generation 2+) heads are created with CrazyTalk Animator Version 3, or above. It is designed to have 10 angles for the head in order to have the character face different directions when you turn the character.

The differences between the G2 and the G2+ heads are the expression poses of the facial features. The expression poses for the G2 head are composed of different sprites with different images. The G2+ expression poses however, can be deformed, transformed, or both, from one sprite with the FFD (free form deformation) method and transforming bounding box. This method saves you time from preparing many pose images, by simply replacing them with deformed similar ones.

G2 Head with individual expression poses G2+ Head with base expression pose and deformed instances. G2+ Head with base expression pose and transformed instances.