Enhanced Skin-weights for Animation and Pose Refinement
Pose Comparison of CC3 Base+ and CC3 Base
The skin-weights have been readjusted for CC3 Base+ to give a more natural look when the arm joints move. The illustrations below show the differences between CC3 Base+ and CC3 Base when the same motions are applied.
- Shoulders
- Armpit
- Knees
- Buttocks
Transformer Results for CC3 Base+
The skin-weight enhancement has vastly improved for the rotations of the shoulders and the armpit areas. The illustrations below show the differences between CC3 Base and CC3 Base+ when using the Transformer tool.
* For now, only G3 and G8 Male and Female characters support CC3 Base+.
- Shoulders
Transformer to CC3 Base
Transformer to CC3 Base+
- Armpits
Transformer to CC3 Base
Transformer to CC3 Base+
- Elbows
Transformer to CC3 Base
Transformer to CC3 Base+
- Buttocks
Transformer to CC3 Base
Transformer to CC3 Base+
- Knees
Transformer to CC3 Base
Transformer to CC3 Base+