Separating Eyelash Material
When you convert a Creation Base character to a Game Base character, the eyelashes material and textures are, by default, included in the final material when you merge the original materials to a Single Material.
The following illustration shows the Creation Character
appearance before conversion.
Merging Material without Separating Eyelash Material
- After the conversion
without separating the eyelash
material, the eyelash textures
become blurry.
- It is because the Merging Material feature merges the originally separated materials of the Tongue, Head, Body, Arm, Leg, Nail and Eyelash,
into a single material: Ga_Skin_Body.
- Take the Diffuse texture as an example, the independent original eyelash texture is merged into the Diffuse texture of the Ga_Skin_Body material.
Merging Material with Separating Eyelash Material
- After the conversion with separating the eyelash material, the eyelash
textures remain sharp and clear.
- It is because the Merging Material feature merges the originally separated materials of the Tongue, Head, Body, Arm, Leg, and Nail into a single material, Ga_Skin_Body, while the Eyelash material is left untouched.
- Take the Diffuse texture as an example, the independent original eyelash texture is
inputted into an isolated material
called Ga_Eyelash, while the
others are merged into the Diffuse texture of the Ga_Skin_Body material. Keep in mind that the maximum size of the eyelash texture is 1024 x 1024.