Arms Layer for Transferring Skin Weight

When you want to create custom clothing, the shape of the clothes will not always fit the T-pose which will be problematic for transferring skin weights.

Character Creator provides an arm layer to separate the arm weights from the rest of the body.

  1. Create a new project.
  2. Create an accessory with a custom model of a cloth.
  3. Adjust the character's pose to fit into the cloth as possible.
  4. Proceeding with the Transfer Skin Weights tool, use the Dress preset to apply the skin weights onto the dress.
  5. Pose the character, you will instantly see the mesh stretching.
  6. Reset the character to the bind pose, select the dress and open the Transfer Skin Weights panel again.
  7. Choose the Dress preset and activate the Lateral Partitioning checkbox.
  8. Select the vertices of the both sleeves.
  9. Click the Arm button in the Lateral partitioning group to isolate the selected vertices in to the Arm Layer.
  10. Click the Apply button in the panel.
  11. Pose the character again, and you will see the stretching has been resolved.


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