The Use of Patterns

All 7 materials share the use of 3 pattern generators that lie outside of the material group. To control how each one of the patterns are displayed, the patterns offer adjustments for the way that the 3 patterns are fed into the graph. The proper operation is to adjust the pattern generators on the parent level then enable and adjust how it is received by modifying the material patterns.

Please follow the steps below to generate patterns. In this example, the object is divided into three portions by the Color ID map in the Mesh Data. Each material is set identical except for the color.

There will appear two nodes named Patterns in the tree view:

A. Global Patterns - for defining and designing pattern shapes and tiling method.

B. Material Pattern - for showing, hiding and intensity-adjusting the layering style of the global pattern on the material.

Designing Patterns

Show Patterns on Material

You must first show the pattern on at least one of the materials in order to see the effects of the global pattern.

  1. Select the Materials >> Base (Red or Green) >> Patterns >> Pattern 1 node in the tree view of the Appearance Editor.
  2. In the Materials / * / Patterns / Pattern 1 section, activate the Enable checkbox.

    You will instantly see small square patterns on top of the material.

Defining and Designing Global Patterns

After the pattern shows, you can start to design the pattern.

  1. In order to feed textures to these square patterns, select the Pattern 1 under the Patterns node outside of the material in the tree view.
  2. In the Patterns / Pattern 1 section, determine a type to form the pattern by selecting from the Type drop-down list.

    The small square patterns will be replaced by the type selected.
  3. Adjust the settings in the Patterns / Pattern 1 to transform the pattern.

    The position, size and angle of the patterns are adjusted.
  4. Adjust the settings in the Patterns / Pattern 1 / Tweak.

    The color, tone and reflectivity of the patterns will be changed.

Settings for Layering Patterns to Materials

  1. Switch back to the Materials / * / Patterns / Pattern 1 section, adjust the settings in order to determine how the patterns are fed into the material.

    The patterns can then be layered onto the surface.
  2. Activate the Enable boxes in the Materials / * / Patterns / Pattern 1 section of the other materials.

    The patterns thus will cover across the materials.
  3. You can optionally adjust the settings in these two sections in order to have individual blending styles for different material regions.