Installing ZBrush Pose Tools

The plugins required for transferring poses between ZBrush and Character Creator 4 are available for download. If all you need is to manage poses within ZBrush, simply download the ZBrush Pose Tools plugin.

Video Tutorial

ZBrush Pose Tools is a plugin that operates within ZBrush.

ZBrush Pose Link is a plugin required for Character Creator 4 to interface with ZBrush Pose Tools.

To install these two plugins you will need to head to the Reallusion hub and open it.

  1. In the Hub, you will see two plugins, one is for the Character Creator 4 plugin and the other is for ZBrush.
  2. Click the Install button and the Hub will check if Character Creator 4 is installed. If you don't have a Character Creator 4, you will be prompted to download it first.
  3. To install the ZBrush plugin, use the website link that was provided to you.
  4. After downloading the ZBrush plugin, extract the file and locate the “PoseToolsData” folder and the “PoseTools.zsc” file.
  5. In another window, navigate to “C:\Program Files\Maxon ZBrush 2023\ZStartup\ZPlugs64” or “C:\Program Files\ZBrush Folder\ZStartup\ZPlugs64”.

    The Maxon ZBrush Z-plugins directory.
  6. Drag “PoseTools.zsc” and the “PoseToolsData” folder into the “ZPlugs64” folder.
  7. Relaunch ZBrush and click the ZPlugin menu to check if the ZBrush Pose Tools plugin has been successfully installed.