Creating and Sending Poses from Character Creator 4 to ZBrush

This article shows you how to use Character Creator 4 poses and why it is better to pose in Character Creator 4 instead of ZBrush. Character Creator 4 provides users with a wide range of premade poses that can be used to save time and ensure accuracy. Additionally, Character Creator 4 offers FK and IK functionality, and smart posing to create natural poses. Adjusting hand poses is also faster and more accurate in Character Creator 4.

Video Tutorial

  1. Once you have completed the rigging of your character in Character Creator 4, you can deploy premade poses from the Content Manager or create custom poses with the Pose Editor.
  2. Not only can you use premade poses, but you can also use premade animations to create an unlimited number of poses.
  3. Actorcore's website offers over 2,000 motions for you to choose from, giving you an array of options and significant time savings.
  4. Select a desired motion.
  5. Play the animation.
  6. Pause the animation at the desired frame.
  7. From the menu bar, execute Plugin > ZBrush Pose Link > Send Current Pose to ZBrush Pose Tools to send the pose to ZBrush.
  8. Sending the pose will automatically save your current CC pose in ZBrush and store a new pose in ZBrush Pose Tools.