Double-click on the caption to dock the panel to the docking place,
or undock the panel and make it float above the main program.
Location Bar
Display the file location of the content in the Content Manager.
You may click the button to go back to the higher-level folder,
or click any of the directory names to go up to any level.
Menu Button
Click this button to show the menu for manipulating the Content Manager, including:
Show and hide (Shortcut: F4), dock and undock the Content Manager.
Basic editing for the custom templates.
Renaming a custom template.
Capture Thumbnail: Capture the view of the working area, in the current frame,
as the thumbnail for the selected template in the Custom library.
Load Thumbnail: Load an image as the thumbnail of the selected custom template.
Change View Mode: Cycle through the content display options. (Shortcut: Ctrl + 1)
Small thumbnail view
Large thumbnail view
Details view
Apply: Apply the selected content to the current project.
This does the same as double-clicking the content thumbnail.
Please refer to the Drag and Drop section for more information on applying methods.
Find File: Browse to find the selected template.
If you do not select any template and click this command,
then iClone Character Creator will open an explorer window with the path
(Windows 7/Windows 8):
C:\Users\Public\Documents\Reallusion\Template\iClone Character Creator Template\iClone Template\(current tab)\
Find Related Content: Browse to find the related content that share the same attributes with the selected template.
Hide Navigation Panel: Show and hide the Navigation Panel, which is the tree view and the left side of this panel.
Template and Custom Libraries
Each category is divided into two libraries:
Template Library: Contains embedded templates installed along with the main program.
Custom Library: Contains custom templates you add.
Start typing in the text field to enable incremental search.
Local Content: The search results will be listed in the right panel of the Content Manager.
Online Content (New for 6.03): The number of results from the Reallusion Content Store and Reallusion Marketplace will be
listed besides the search field.

By clicking on these web links you can browse the search results in the official Reallusion Content Store and Reallusion Marketplace website.
Navigation Panel
Display all the library folders under the picked Category Tab.
You may click the Menu Button to show the Navigation Panel and drag the middle border to adjust its width.
Show the navigation panel to browse through all the library folders.
Hide the navigation panel to view more content.
In the library pane, you may manipulate the templates, including:
Applying the selected template
(by drag-and-drop or click the Apply button).
Using the right-click menu to do basic editing;
renaming or changing the thumbnail of the custom templates.
Applying and Adding/Replacing Templates
Click this button to apply the selected template to the current project.
This does the same as double-clicking the content thumbnail.
Please refer to the Drag and Drop
section for more information on applying methods.
Click this button to add the current object in the scene into the Custom library of the selected Category Tab.
If you have selected a template in the Custom Library,
then click this button to overwrite the selected template.
Click this button to replace the selected template with the one selected in the 3D view.