General Toolbar

The General toolbar is used to manipulate the objects' position and rotation, to align objects and to set keys for showing or hiding objects.



Click these two buttons to undo (Ctrl + Z) or redo (Ctrl + Y) the last operation.


Select Object

Toggles the Select mode. You may then directly pick the object in the 3D viewer.


Move Object

To switch to Move mode. You may then directly move the selected object in the 3D viewer.

Left Mouse Button: Move object along X-/Y-axis.
Mouse Wheel: Move object along world Z-axis.
Right Mouse Button: Rotate object on local Z-axis.


Rotate Object

To switch to Rotate mode. You may then directly rotate the selected object in the 3D viewer.

Left Mouse Button: Rotate on local Z axis.
Right Mouse Button: Rotate on local Y axis.
Both Mouse Buttons: Rotate on local X axis.


Scale Object

To switch to Scale mode. You may then directly scale the selected object in the 3D viewer.

Left Mouse Button: Uniformly scale object.
Right Mouse Button: Scale object along local Z axis.
Both Mouse Buttons: Scale object along local X - Y axis.

In Move Object, Rotate Object or Scale Object modes, you may also:
Alt + Left Mouse Button: To Pan the camera.
Alt + Right Mouse Button: To Rotate the camera.
Alt + Both Mouse Buttons: To Zoom the Camera.