Calibrating Eyeballs, Teeth and Tongue (New for Version 8)

When you are creating a new 3D actor's head by setting the facial details or morphing the facial features in the Front Face Fitting or Side Face Fitting steps, the eyeballs, teeth and tongue sometimes pop out of the skull especially when the profile of the actor is very exaggerated as shown below:

This issue often occurs during the Side Face Fitting step. When you encounter this problem, you need to recalibrate by following the steps below:

  1. In the Front Fitting or Side Fitting steps, click on the Eye button within the Calibration section in the Contour and Texture Alignment panel.
  2. Drag the Eyeball Depth slider to move the eyeballs back to proper position.
  3. Click to switch to the Mouth mode.
  4. Drag the Teeth and Tongue Depth slider to move the teeth and tongue back into the mouth.