In addition to the 3D actors provided in the CrazyTalk Content Manager, you are also allowed to import characters in iAvatar format made with the iClone Character Creator tool, or default CC Characters in iClone. Thus, your anchor man in your CrazyTalk project can be much more varied, interesting and attractive.
Alternatively, the character can be created in the iClone Character Creator tool and then saved as an iAvatar.
For more contents, please visit the official Content Resources web page, in which:
All CrazyTalk 8 users, please refer to 5-in-1 Stylized Avatars Combo and Stylized Classics Avatars.
iClone 6 Pro, iClone Character Creator and CrazyTalk 8 Pipeline users, please refer to 4-in-1 Tokomotion Morph Collection and Stylized Character Morphs.
Only CC Characters in iAvatar formats are compatible; any standard characters of G6, G5 or earlier generation, or non-standard, non-human characters are not supported.
If the character contains any accessory, then the accessory will be removed before the character is imported.
Creating custom iAvatar is a pipeline that involves CrazyTalk v8.1 or above and iClone Character Creator v1.5 or above. If you have not installed either one of them yet, then please skip this section.