Changing Surface Reflection (New for v8.1)
In CrazyTalk, you can adjust the surface reflection for 3D objects by using the Material Setting panel, in which three settings, Splecular, Glossiness, and Self-illumination, can be used to determine the light reflection on the surface of the objects.
Adjusting Highlight on Surface
- Prepare a new project with a 3D object (in this case, a 3D actor).

- Execute the Create >> Material Setting... command on the Main Menu bar.

- The Material Settings panel will display on the screen.

Click to switch between the Actor or Accessory tab in accordance with the target object whose specular and glossiness you want to modify (in this case the body of the actor, therefore, the Actor tab is clicked).
In the Material List pane, pick the target material (in this case, the Skin_Head as shown in the illustration above).
- Increase the Specular and Glossiness values in order to highlight the head to make the skin humid.

- Adjust the two settings for the body to make the skin appearance cohesive to the head.

Create Cartoon Effect with Self Illumination
- Prepare a new project with 3D object (in this case, a 3D actor).

- Execute the Create >> Material Setting... command on the Main Menu bar.

- The Material Settings panel will display on the screen.

Click to switch between the Actor or the Accessory tab in accordance with the target object whose specular and glossiness you wish to modify (in this case the body of the actor, therefore, the Actor tab is clicked).
In the Material List pane, pick the target material (in this case, the Skin_Head).
- Increase the Self Illumination value to the maximum in order to ignore the lighting influence and display the original texture of the surface.

- When the actor performs, the surface will still appear cartoonish.