Camera Types and Settings

Faceware Realtime for iClone can be used with a static web camera or a head mounted camera.

The settings for these two types of camera are as follows:

  1. Press the S key to open the Settings panel (Edit > Settings).
  2. Select the desired input device from the Camera drop-down list.
  3. Set the Face Tracking Model.
    • For regular web cam: Set the model to StaticCam_(S30040).imbin. This is the capturing model of Faceware Realtime for iClone that is most suitable for a static web cam with a set distance.
    • For head cam: Set the model to HeadCam_(S30099).imbin. This is the capturing model of Faceware Realtime for iClone that is most suitable for a head cam that is mounted closely to the actor's face. It can compensate for camera lens distortion and strong fisheye visual distortion.
  4. Click on the Gear button next to the Camera drop-down list to show the Camera Options panel. Adjust the Video Resolution and Video FPS for the streaming data captured from the camera.