Output Mesh Shape
The choices available in the Refine Mesh > Output Mesh Shape section will dictate the shape of certain regions of the generated character.
- Keep Neck Shape: When enabled, will retain the altered form of the neck that you modified in the REFINE MESH stage. Conversely, when disabled, will utilize the default neutral neck shape of the CC character for the generated character.
Original Mesh
- Keep Head Size: When the Keep Head Size option is enabled, maintains the modified shape and size of the head from the REFINE STAGE stage, using the CC4 neutral head as the base size. Conversely, when the option is disabled, the system automatically detects and calculates the shape and size of the imported mesh.
Original Mesh

However, if the mesh size is not proportional to the size of the CC model, it can lead to problems such as an excessively large or small head