Preparing Source Models

Your 3D character model may need to be adjusted to streamline the Headshot 2 conversion process.

Adjusting the character model to the correct angle

To ensure smooth usage of Headshot 2, it is recommended to position your character model's head at the center of the viewport, facing forward with a straight angle. Headshot 2 analyzes and maps the face to generate the CC4 character, hence the importance of this alignment. You are also encouraged to take advantage of hotkeys to swiftly adjust your model within the viewport.

  1. Import your character model into CC4.
  2. If the model is off-center, select it and press F to recenter the mesh in the viewport.
  3. Pressing the F hotkey will center the model in your viewport, ensuring that it is facing forward.



Resetting Source Mesh World Origin

After importing your model, make sure it is facing forward in the viewport and reset the model's base at world origin (0,0,0) by using World Move (W) and Local Rotate (E) to adjust its position and rotation. If needed, you can also modify the camera angle using Zoom (Z), Pan (X), and Orbit (C) for a proper view in the viewport.



When you are satisfied with the angle of the model, perform Modify > Transform > Reset Transform to reset the origin value.

Before Reset

After Reset

Head Model

In Headshot 2, the visibility of the model's face is of utmost importance as the focus is on capturing and generating facial features.

  • Mesh Angle

    Front view

    Side view


    Out of view

  • Camera Angle

    Front view

    Top view


    Out of view

  • Model Distance

    Correct distance

    Too close


    Too far


Full Body Model

When using a full-body model make sure the face is facing forward and the head is clearly visible in the viewport.
In Headshot 2, the visibility of the model's face is of utmost importance as the focus is on mapping and generating facial features.

  • Mesh Orientation

    Front View

    Side View


    Out of view

  • Camera Angle

    Front View

    Off-angle View


    Out of view

  • Model Distance

    Correct Range

    Close Range


    Far Range


Mesh Model Size

To check the size of your imported model in CC4, load CC3's neutral character model as a reference (Character > Load Neutral Base > C33+).

  1. Import a model file into CC4.
  2. Perform Character > Load Neutral Base > CC3+.
  3. Use World Move (W) and Local Rotate (E) to adjust the position and rotation of the loaded character model.
  4. Select the mesh and use the Scale (R) tool to resize it according to your preference.

    Neutral Size

    Too Small


    Too Large


Removing Bones

To ensure consistency, remove the bones from your model prior to importing it into CC4. Otherwise, Headshot 2 will remove the bones during processing, which can lead to deviations in the model compared to the original.

Model without Bones

Model with Bones