Using Body Command Feature to Preview and Record

If you do not want to move back and forth between you and your computer during previewing and recording, then you may use the Body Command feature to trigger these two modes within the Mocap Device Plug-in. This is very useful when you need to capture your motions without the help of other people controlling the Device Console panel of iClone.

  1. Open the Mocap Device Plug-in panel and click the Connect button.
  2. Go to iClone, select a character and open the Device Console (Shortcut: Shift + F8) panel. Click the Connect button to connect the Device Console to the Mocap Device Plug-in.
  3. Go back to the Mocap Device Plug-in and press down the Body Command button.
  4. Follow the standard steps for the Mocap Device Plug-in to properly calibrate your skeleton.
  5. After the calibration countdown, you will see two hand icons that follow your hands as you move.
  6. When you wish to stop previewing or recording, then you may move both hand icons to touch the marks and hold the pose for one second; the previewing or recording mode will then stop.