Saving and Loading Gear List

Since Motion LIVE plug-in are able to connect multiple motion capturing devices, aka gears, you can save the completed gear list to prevent from manually re-adding gears each time this plug-in is launched.

The benefit is when the gears are installed on an intranet for sharing the captured data, sharing the saved gear list file to a group of PC on which the Motion LIVE plugin is installed can save a lot of time from setting gear list one by one.

A. Saving Gear List

  1. Launch Motion LIVE plug-in.

  2. In the Gear List section, manually connect this plug-in to the desired mocap devices (gears).
  3. Click the Save Gear List button.
  4. Surf to a target directory to save the gear list in a file (in *.json format).

B. Loading Gear List

  1. Create a new project. Apply a character.
  2. Launch Motion LIVE.

  3. Click the Load Gear List button. Load a json file (*.json) saved by the method in previous section.
  4. You will see the device is now all added, which saves time from adding them one after one.