Expression Calibration (New for v 1.1)

Applying facial calibrations enhances AccuFACE’s facial detection precision and captures finer expression details from the performer for the character model in iClone.

Neutral Face

Neutral Face calibration provides a clean starting point for AccuFACE to reference the performer's neutral facial expression.

Neutral expression on the performer (left) and the character model (right).

Brow Raise, Brow Drop, Brow Inner Raise

By incorporating Brow Raise, Brow Drop, and Brow Inner Raise expression calibrations, you can achieve greater precision in eyebrow expressions allowing subtle emotional nuances from the performer to be clearly portrayed on the character in iClone.

  • Brow Raise

    Before the Brow Raise calibration.

    After the Brow Raise calibration.

  • Brow Drop

    Before the Brow Drop calibration.

    After the Brow Drop calibration.

  • Brow Inner Raise

    Before the Brow Inner Raise calibration.

    After the Brow Inner Raise calibration.