Applying Skin Templates
From the Skin category of the Content Manager, you can apply different skin effect
templates to create various looks for the character's skin.
- Overall: The templates in this library include all skin effects and makeups.
- Full Skin: The templates in this library include all effects from the Skin Base, Normal Effects, Skin Details, Blemish, Acquired, Body Hair, and Nails templates.
- Skin Base: The templates in this library define the basic look of the skin without any effects or flaws.
- Normal Effects: The templates in this library define the textures of the wrinkles or muscles.
- Skin Details: The templates in this library define the Skin Decal, Skin Noise, Capillary, Discoloration and Oily effects.
- Blemish: The templates in this library define the Freckle, Mole, Acne and Suntan effects.
- Acquired: The templates in this library define the Dirt, Scar, Tattoo and Liquid effects.
- Body Hair: The templates in this library define the hair effects on Body, Limbs, Scalp and Chin or Jaw.
- Nails: The templates in this library define the Manicure effects.
- SkinGen Tools: This library contains skin tools for you to create custom effects from scratch.