Backing up Uploaded Packs (New for v1.3)
If you are a developer who has uploaded custom packs, you can locally clear them to free up drive space. You can back-up the custom packs and import them into the application when you need them for usage or further editing.
DRM data will be attached to the packs uploaded to the server. Therefore, packs on the server are not suitable for back-up and editing.
Before backing up a custom pack, make sure the pack has been uploaded to the server. The pack on the local machine can be taken as the pure source data with individual pack info, file structure, tags and custom files.
- Right-click on the custom pack that you intend to back up. Execute the Export Data... command from the context menu.
- Choose the Metadata & All Custom Files radio button and click the Export button.
- Pick a folder on the flash drive for backups and click the Select Folder button.
- Wait for the export procedure.
Click the OK button when the procedure is done.
The custom pack with metadata (tags, pack info, file structure...) and the files in the pack are now exported to the flash drive. - Open the pack. Select all files in the pack.
- Delete the files by clicking the Delete Key.
- Exit the pack. Right-click on the pack and execute the Unbind Pack command from the context menu.
- Click the OK button to confirm the unbind procedure.
- The pack, with its metadata and files, are deleted. The disk space it has occupied is now released.
The Texture, Mixmoves and Share Templates can not be moved by this method.
Before backing up all custom packs, make sure the packs have been uploaded to the server. The packs on the local machine can be taken as the pure source data with individual pack info, file structure, tags and custom files.
- Execute the Backup Data... command from the Smart Gallery menu.
- Choose the Metadata & All Custom Files radio button and click the Export button.
- Pick a folder on the flash drive for backups and click the Select Folder button.
- Wait for the export procedure.
Click the OK button when the procedure is done.
The custom pack with metadata (tags, pack info, file structure...) and the files in the pack are now exported to the flash drive. - Select all packs. Right-click on the pack and execute the Unbind Pack command from the context menu.
- Click the OK button to confirm the unbind procedure.
- The default Custom pack will be left.
- Open the Custom pack and select all the files in the pack.
- Delete the files by clicking the Delete Key.
- The packs, with their metadata and files, are deleted. The disk space they have occupied is now released.
The Texture, Mixmoves and Share Templates can not be moved with this method.