Flipping Character to Another Side

When performing a 3D motion, you can make a character of single angle turn to the opposite side automatically by activating the Flip Body feature.  It will mirror the limb bones to the opposite side of the Hip bone,  so the character can move back and forth.

Camera Projection = -45.
Flip Body = Off (default).
Camera Projection = 45.
Flip Body = On.

  1. Apply a G3 character (Dummy, Front Side in this case).
  2. Drag a 3D motion onto the character (Walk Bump Object, in this case).
  3. The Import 3D Motion panel will open. Quickly set a suitable projection angle for the Front Side character by clicking the preset angle -45 in this case.
  4. Click the Play/Pause button in the 3D View to preview the motion. You will find that the character cannot turn to the opposite side.

  5. Activate the Flip Body checkbox under the Projection tab.
  6. Now the character can turn to the another side and keep performing.