Exporting Remeshed iAvatar
When you want to export iAvatar for iClone to be low-poly one, especially be used as NPC, you can use the Remeshing feature before you export the character to iAvatar.
Prepare a character (nude or clothed).
- Convert the character into a game character to optimize and triangulate the skin polygon. If you are not creating a game character, then skip this step.
- Optionally reduce the polygon (Wearables, Object, Element) for the object put on the character.
Execute File >> Export >> iAvatar command.
In the following panel, activate InstaLOD Remesher.
- Face Count: Choose one of the radio buttons to determine the method for setting the face count. You can choose the Fuzzy Target to have the system to determine the face count for you, or you can choose the Maximum Face to manually determine a face count number.
- Resolution (Detail): This drop-down list can be used to set the mesh details of the iAvatar.
- Bake Texture Size: When the model is remeshed, you can use this setting to determine the maximum size of the texture baked from the original textures.
- Click the Export button to export the character.
- You are able to export the character with different remesher settings in accordance with your need.
- Import these iAvatars into iClone. Show the wireframes of the iAvatars for better observation.
The distances and triangle face counts for each characters are as shown below. Even though the farther the characters are away from the camera, the detail lost is not noticeable.