Applying Smart Hair Templates
Before applying the Smart Hair templates, you need to be familiar with the Smart Hair
system; see the graph below:
Applying Style Templates
Given a character without templates applied from the Smart Hair category.
If you apply any of the templates in the Style sub-folder of the Hair category, then the hairstyle will be created instantly.
- The entire hair style, including the hair, eyebrows and beard, will be replaced if you apply any other template from the sub-folder.
Applying Group Templates
The Group templates can be used to replace the specific hair
parts (including the hair, eyebrows, and beard) while keep the other parts untouched.
- Given an example as shown in the following illustration:
- Once one of the Group templates is applied, the specific hair part will be replaced.
Applying Element Templates
The Element templates apply or replace the specific components of the hair parts so that you can create various looks with different facial hairs and embedded elements.
Given the same example provided at the start of this page:
- The result after applying one of the Element templates:
- Apply any other element, and the element already applied will be left
in place.
- However, once you apply an element on top of an exiting one, you will be asked if you want to Replace or Add the original one.
Replace: Only the new element stays.
Add: The new and old elements exists together.

To remove an applied template, select the target hair and press the Del key.