Fixing Visual Defects of Out-of-focus Objects

Fixing Sharp Edges for Objects in Blur Region

When the DOF is turned on, there maybe some objects in the blurry regions that erroneously retain sharp edges.

  1. Open the Preference panel.
  2. In the Real-Time Render Options section, activate the Soften Edge checkbox in the Depth of Field group.
  3. Make sure the camera is selected and open the Modify Panel.
  4. In the Depth of Field section, increase the slider value for Blur Edge Sample Scale.

    The sharp edges of the blurry object will also become blurry.

Fixing Blurriness behind Semi-transparent Objects

When the blurry region falls behind any semi-transparent objects, the blurry effect will be turned off as shown below (the camera focus is set on the painting on the glass):

  1. Open the Preference panel.
  2. In the Real-Time Render Options section, activate the Correct Transparency box in the Depth of Field group.
  3. The objects behind the semi-transparent objects correctly display the out-of-focus effect, as well as the transition regions effect.