Tear Line
The Tear Line sub-section can be used to offset the Eye Occlusion
mesh in order to snuggly fit the eyeballs.
- Depth Offset: Use this slider to adjust the depth of the entire Tear Line mesh.
- Detail Amount
Detail Amount = 0.029
Detail Amount = 1.000
- Detail Scale U: You must increase the Detail Amount
to view the effect of this slider.
Detail Scale U = 2.300
Detail Scale U = 10.000
- Detail Scale V: You must increase the Detail Amount to see the effect of this slider.
Detail Scale V = 0.120
Detail Scale V = 3.000
- Edge Fadeout
Edge Fadeout = 1.000
Edge Fadeout = 0.000
- Roughness
Roughness = 0.100
Roughness = 0.500