
Bending determines the angle between two triangle faces of a soft-cloth.

The lower the value, the smaller the angle is - which diminishes the intensity of the soft cloth. You may use this value to decide how a cloth bends when it contacts a surfaces.

Bending = 0 (strong tension)
The soft-cloth is firmer.

Bending = 50
The soft-cloth is softer.

Bending = 100 (no tension)
The soft-cloth collapses.

Bending and Object Meshes

Although Bending decides the appearance of the soft cloth when it collides, the mesh also plays a big influence. For soft cloth objects, the mesh structure sometimes significantly affects the physics behavior.

Planes with different mesh counts.

When collision happens, the skin of the soft cloth starts to bend on the edges of adjacent faces. Therefore the more faces your object has, the smoother and more natural your cloth reaction will be. However, keep in mind that high-poly objects take up more system resources and take longer to calculate in terms of physics reactions.

Object with few faces.

Collision result.

Object with more faces.

Collision result.