Loading Weight Map

To apply a Weight Map image to a target soft-cloth, follow the steps below:

  1. Prepare a cloth.

  2. Make sure the cloth is selected.
  3. In the Modify panel, switch to the Physics tab. Activate the Activate Physics checkbox.

    If there are multiple materials for this cloth, then you will see this dialog box. Click the OK button.
  4. The Edit Weight Map panel will show.
  5. Select the material from the list to pick the mesh to apply the Weight Map.

  6. Double click on the Edit Weight Map channel and load a Grayscale image to determine the weight of the mesh that will be influenced by the settings described in the previous section.

    Alternatively, you can drag and drop an image onto this thumbnail.

  7. The mesh of this material will thus be given soft cloth settings according to the influences of the grayscale image.
  8. Optionally repeat the same steps to any other material with a Weight Map.

  9. Play back to see the simulation result.