GI Animation
When using VXGI, it is highly recommended that the Anchor to be set to a fixed position for better visual result and reduce the probability of light flicker, however, in some scenarios, the anchor must be transformed, which happens mostly on projects with vast scenes.
GI Animation Comparison
When your find the lighting results are inconsistent during the camera movements as shown below, the anchor must be animated to solve these issues.
- Left: The anchor is fixed at the end frame of the scene (the light strength is different at the the beginning and the end).
- Right: The anchor is transformed along with the camera movements (the entire video has consistent light strength).
Observe from Top View
The anchor is fixed in the position at the end frame:
The anchor moves along with the camera motion:
Observe Voxel Size and Deployment and Descriptions through Top View
The anchor is fixed at the position in the end frame and covers the entire scene.
The GI influence is weaker at the start frame because the Voxel cubes are bigger, which allows for less details of the lights and shadows.
The anchor moves along the camera motion - The anchor is linked to the camera; the voxel covers only part of the scene where the camera perspective can see.
The anchor follows the camera from the beginning to the end, therefore the GI influence is consistent for the entire animation.
At the start frame, the voxels are small and fine (high level of details for the lights and shadows).
At the end frame, the voxels are still small and fine (high level of details for the lights and shadows).
GI and Timeline
After the Anchor is selected, GI Control can be found on the Timeline, including GI Strength, Anchor Transform and Link:
GI Strength:
The Indirect Lighting Intensity for the Diffuse and Specular maps are both key-able.
Use when a scene spans from day time to night time by adjusting the Diffuse Intensity along with Ambient Color to create a look of a daylight cycle.
Anchor Transform and Link:
The Transform (position only) and Link are also key-able.