Rotating Props Continuously

Continuously rotating prop can be done by setting transform keys with the Rotate Tool or with the Rotate X Y Z fields on the Modify panel.

Using Rotating Tool

  1. Apply a prop and go to the time frame when the prop starts to rotate (in this case, frame 1).
  2. Go to another time frame when the rotation stops.
  3. Switch to the Rotate Tool (Parent or Local will do). If you can not see the gizmo, press Ctrl + Q to show it.
  4. Drag on the Gizmo to rotate the prop (in this case, the Green arc on the gizmo).
  5. Go back to the time when the prop starts rotate. Play back to view the result.
    Notice that the rounds of rotation will be kept.

Rotating with Rotate XYZ Fields

  1. Apply a prop and go to the time frame when the prop starts to rotate (in this case, frame 1).
  2. Go to another time frame when the rotation stops.
  3. Make sure the prop is selected and open the Modify panel.
  4. In the Transform section, enter value into the Rotate X Y Z fields (in this case, the Y axis).
  5. Go back to the time when the prop starts rotate. Play back to view the result.
    Notice that the rounds of rotation will be kept.