Subsurface Scattering Related Textures

Transmission Map

The grayscale transmission map defines the body areas for the light to pass through.

  • Body: Completely black. There is not any transmission effect on the body.
  • Arms: The fingers are given the ability to have the light pass through them.

    When you view from the dark side of the hand, you can see the light passing through the fingers.
  • Legs: The toes are given the ability to have the light pass through them.

    When you view from the dark side of the feet, you can see the light passing through the toes.
  • Nails: Not only the fingers and toes must be translucent, the nails should have the ability as well.

    When you view from the dark side, you can see the lights passing through the nails on the toes and fingers.


The SSS Map determines the body parts to have the SSS reflection effect. This map provides the moisture and the tissues under the skin.

  • Body: The body reveals the color of the tissues under skin by means of this texture.

    You can see the tissues color reflects on the skin.

    SSS Map in pure black

    Customized SSS Map

  • Arms: The arms and hands reveal the color of the tissues under skin by means of this texture of white, by default.

    You can see the tissues color reflecting on the skin.

    SSS Map in pure white (default)

    SSS Map in pure black