Teeth and Gums Setting

The Teeth and Gums Setting section can be used to adjust the Base Color texture in the Texture section and the Gradient AO texture in the Texture sub-section under the Shader Setting section.

Basic Settings

  • Teeth Edge Color: This color determines the outline color of the teeth.

    Teeth Edge Color = #3E1B14 (default color)

    Teeth Edge Color = #FFFF7F

  • Is Upper Teeth: This checkbox should be activated when the currently selected material is for Upper Teeth to map the texture in correct UV coordinate. Otherwise, the front and rear result become inverted.

    Is Upper Teeth = Activated

    Is Upper Teeth = Deactivated

  • Teeth Brightness:

    Teeth Brightness = 0.700

    Teeth Brightness = 1.400

  • Teeth Desaturation:

    Teeth Desaturation = 0.000

    Teeth Desaturation = 0.500

  • Gums Brightness: This is the brightness setting for the gums.

    Gums Brightness = 1.000

    Gums Brightness = 3.000

  • Gums Desaturation: This value set the saturation level for the gums.

    Gums Desaturation = 0.000

    Gums Desaturation = 0.500

  • Front Roughness: This setting determines the roughness for the teeth and gums.

    Front Roughness = 0.400

    Front Roughness = 1.000

  • Front Specular: This setting determine the light volume to be reflected from the teeth and gums.

    Front Specular = 0.300

    Front Specular = 0.000

Advanced Settings

  • Rear Roughness:

    Rear Roughness = 0.000

    Rear Roughness = 1.000

  • Rear Specular:

    Rear Specular = 0.000

    Rear Specular = 0.500

  • Front AO:

    Front AO = 1.000

    Front AO = 1.500

  • Rear AO:

    Rear AO = 0.000

    Rear AO = 1.500