Reset Motion Pivot (Zero Out Motion Root)
You might observe instances where the actor shifts position when an animation is applied. If you wish to modify this motion and create a custom one for later use in Perform, Walk, and Operate motions, it is advisable to have the entire motion occur in the same position. This way, you can utilize this feature to avoid manually resetting the pose to the same location frame-by-frame.
Prepare Custom Motion
- Pick one actor to apply a motion to.
Open the actor's Motion track. Apply a motion that moves the actor away.
You can also modify the motion via the Motion Layer track.
Right-click on the clip and select the Reset Pivot (zero out motion root).
The whole motion then happens at the same position. - Drag in the actor main track to mark a range to include all the motion in the Motion track.
Right-click in the range and save it to your desired directory.
- You can also create a loop motion for Persona file to refer to.
- Reposition your actor at the origin if needed.
- For more information, refer to Reset Motion Root.