What are Character Pivot and Motion Root

Since the sources for motion can vary widely, defects may arise from transformational inconsistencies between the character's pivot and root. Therefore it is crucial to understand this relationship to diagnose problems when they may arise.

Character's Pivot and Motion Root.

  • Pivot: It is also known as the Actor Root, BoneRoot or the Pivot of the character, which determines the actor's actual location, i.e., the value of the transformation data (Move, Rotate).

    Actor Root changes only when transformation is being applied. The data is kept on the Transform track.
  • Motion Root: It is also known as the LowerTorso node in the actor's bone hierarchy. All applied motion clips affect the transformation change of this node, thus you might see kick or dance motion. However the Actor Root remains in the original position.

    All motion clips, either from the Content Manager or from the Import feature, are kept on the Motion track.

Mismatch Issues

Mismatched Locations

The mismatching issues happens to both the character and props.

  • When you apply motions to an actor the Motion Root will sometimes move away from the Actor Root.

    The defect happens when you apply a motion clip whose motion and character root are aligned. The character will be dragged back to the actor root.
  • Solution: Refer to the How to align Position for applying motions section for more information.

Mismatched Directions

  • Due to the fact that the character's actor root does not rotate as it turns, the character can face any direction while the actor root remains unchanged.
  • When you apply a motion clip with identical motion and character root orientation, the character will face the actor root direction.
  • Solution: Please refer to the How to align Position and Direction for applying motions section for more information.