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The Optimize feature lets you optimize a range of keys while attempting to preserve the overall curve. It is usually applied to densely keyed motion curves to simplify the curve and reduce the number of keys; It is not recommended on curves containing very few keys.
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- Optimize Selected Keys: Only the selected keys will be optimized.
- Optimize Selected Curves: Only the curves shown on the graph view will be optimized.
You can also select all desired curves from the left tree view for optimization. - Optimize Selected Keys on Selected Curves: Only the selected keys on the shown curves will be optimized.
When you activate this feature, you will encounter the panel below:
- You can pick a Threshold value ranging from 0 to 1.
- It is applied with the technique of curve fitting while the threshold stands for the curve fitting error threshold. Essentially, threshold affects the accuracy for the resultant curve compared to the original curve.
- A larger threshold value results in less accurate curve fitting (the motion curve may become smoother but may deviate quite a bit from the original curve, see the figure in the next page). By contrast, a smaller threshold will create a curve with better fidelity.
- As a consequence, higher threshold values result in less keys, while lower threshold values result in more keys (see the figure in the next page).
- The Preview mode checkbox gives you the option to see the amount of keys prior to and after threshold optimization.
Original Curve Pattern
Optimized with Higher Threshold (0.8)
Optimized with Lower Threshold (0.1)

The Smooth feature lets you smooth the overall curve without reducing the total number of keys on the curves.
When you activate this feature, you will encounter the panel below:
Given an example curve in the illustration:
- Smooth Factor: The smooth strength for the curves.
Smooth Factor = 1
Smooth Factor = 5
- Falloff: Gradually influences the keys next to the selected keys for preventing from sudden cliff of the curve after smoothing.
Serial keys are selected
Falloff = 0.00 (sec)
Falloff = 0.10 (sec)
- Keep Custom Tangent: Maintain the angles for all tangent handles.
The initial angles of the tangent handles for all selected keys.
Keep Custom Tangent = Off
Keep Custom Tangent = On
- Preview mode: Preview the smooth result of the settings.

The Butterworth Smoothing feature can be taken as the smooth of higher level with more details settings.
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When you activate this feature, you will encounter the panel below:
Given an example curve in the illustration:
- Cut-off (Hz): The keys higher or lower than the cut-off range will be smooth out to ensure all keys fall in the range. In the following example, the Cut-off (Hz) is set to 3.
- Sample Rate (fps): Samples the curve to keys by FPS.
Sample Rate (fps) = 60
Sample Rate (fps) = 30. The total number of keys become half.
- Falloff: Gradually influences the keys next to the selected keys for preventing from sudden cliff of the curve after smoothing.
Serial keys are selected
Cut-off (Hz) = 6.00
Falloff = 0.00 (sec)Cut-off (Hz) = 6.00
Falloff = 0.10 (sec) - Align to frames: Align the keys of floating number to integer number.
- Preview mode: Preview the smooth result of the settings.

The Remove Peaks feature can remove the abrupt peak keys on the curves. The higher number becomes, the more peaks will be removed.
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When you activate this feature, you will encounter the panel below:
Given an example curve in the illustration:
- Strength: The higher the value becomes, the more peaks will be removed.
Strength = 88.0
Strength = 92.2
- Preview mode: Preview the smooth result of the settings.

The Reinterpolate feature smooths the selected keys only. The keys right before and after the selected keys will be taken as reference for smooth.
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- Strength: The higher the value becomes, the more peaks will be removed.