How to set the body weights for mixer, sub-mixer motions (New for v. 8.4)
When a motion is loaded to create mixer or sub-mixer motions, you are allowed to set weights for the upper body parts to be replaced by the imported motions via the Body Weight panel.
The source motion. |
Idle or moving motions while in Motion Director. |
Source motion loaded as mixer (for upper body only). |
Resulting motions after mixer weights are adjusted. |
You can save the mixer body weights to a file and load it back to other mixer motions.
The dropdown list provides different weight presets for the entire upper body, left arm, or right arm. The upper body includes both arms, neck and head.
'Upper Body' |
'Left Arm Only' |
'Right Arm Only' |
The list includes the bones for the entire upper body, including the spines, neck, head and both hands.
You can use the presets to set the bone weights or manually set the values to strengthen or weaken the influences from the source motion.
Preset values for the upper body. |
Values adjusted result. |
The weight value can be either manually type into the fields in the Weight column, or drag this slider to set the value.
Click these three buttons to copy the weight values from left hand to the right, exchange the weight values of left and right hands or copy the weight values from the right hand to the left.
The custom values of mixer motion weights. |
Copy (character's) left to right. |
Copy (character's) right to left. |
Flip Weights. |