Using MD Tools from the Content Library (New in version 8.5)

The embedded dummy MD tools can be found in packs and embed iMDProps, within the Props > MD Props library.

In this pack, you will find 8 MD Prop templates: "01_Sit on Chair", "02_Use Vending Machine", "03_Throw into Trash Can", "04_Pass Automatic Door", "05_Observe", "06_Watering_Plants", "06_Watering_Plants_Target" and "07_Push_Cart".

For Player Control and Control On Path Modes

  1. Create a new scene and apply one of the dummy templates from the library.
  2. Select the character and launch the MD Controls panel. Make sure the character is set to Player Control or Control on Path mode.
  3. Start the MD mode.
  4. Mouse over the MD prop to highlight it.
  5. Click on the MD prop to display the radial menu.
  6. Click on one of the menu commands to have the character automatically walk to the MD prop and interact with it.
  7. You can also click on the character to trigger more motions from the radial menu.

For Auto On Path, Auto In Zone and Follow Object Modes

  1. Create a new scene. Start the MD mode (in this case, the character is utilizing the Auto on Path mode).

    As you can see the character travels along the walkway.
  2. Stop the MD session.
  3. Apply one of the dummies template from the library.
  4. Start the MD mode again.
    As you can see the character randomly and automatically interact with the MD prop.