Main Menu - Animation (New for 6)

The Animation menu on the main menu bar contains commands related to the motions and animations of the characters, props and the entire project.

Create Script

This item contains a sub-menu for creating voice scripts to currently selected character.

  • Record Voice: Use this command to directly record a voice to create a voice script for the character.
  • Text-To-Speech: Use this command to convert desired text into a voice script for the character.
  • Wave File: Use this command to load an audio file (*.wav, *.mp3) as the voice script for the character.
  • CrazyTalk Script: Use this command to load a CrazyTalk script file (*.cts, *.clp, voice + facial expressions) as the voice script for the character.

Face Puppet

This command opens the Face Puppet panel for manually creating facial expressions of the selected character.

Face Key

This command opens the Face Key panel for adding expression layer keys to an existing expression.

Motion Puppet

This command opens the Motion Puppet panel to record motions from templates to the currently selected character.

Direct Puppet

This command opens the Direct Puppet panel for simultaneously moving and recording the character's body to generate motions.

Device Mocap
(New for 6.03)

This command opens the Device Console panel for simultaneously capturing, recording your body motions and applying these motions to the selected character for generating character's body motions.

Edit Motion Layer


This command opens the Edit Motion Layer panel for adding motion layer keys to an existing motion.

Reach Target

This command opens the Reach Target panel to add or release reach keys for the character's neck, hip and limbs.

Prop Puppet

This command opens the Prop Puppet panel for simultaneously moving and recording the animations of a prop.

Edit Animation Layer

This command opens the Edit Motion Layer panel for adding animation layer keys to an existing animation of a prop.

Motion Setting Options

This item contains a sub-menu to adjust the settings for character's motions.

  • Reset Motion Root: Use this command to get the imported motion to happen at the same position where the previous motion ends.
  • Align Actor Motion: Use this command to get the motion root to align to the pivot root of a character.
  • Bake Constraint Key: Use this command to bake the constraint keys (including Reach, Look At and Link keys) to motion files (in iMotion or iMotionPlus formats) when you collect a motion clip.

Apply Gesture Options

This item contains a sub-menu for applying hand gesture clips to character's hands.

  • Left Hand: Apply the hand gesture clips to character's left hand.
  • Right Hand: Apply the hand gesture clips to character's right hand.
  • Both: Apply the hand gesture clips to character's both hands.

Reset Whole Scene

This command removes all animations in the current project.

Remove Object Animation

This command removes all animations of the currently selected objects.