The Notices (New for V6.5)

There are some notices you need to know when you wish to export Panorama Videos.

The Changes of Camera View

When the Exporting Panorama feature is turned on, the camera view will be automatically changed to square view in order to be correctly stitched.

The original camera resolution before the Exporting Panorama feature is turned on

The resolution is automatically changed to square after the Exporting Panorama feature is turned on

Each of the cameras in the project will be set to Wide-Angle (12 mm focal length) when the Exporting Panorama feature is turned on.

The original camera lens before the Exporting Panorama feature is turned on

The camera lens is automatically changed to 12mm after the Exporting Panorama feature is turned on


The value of the camera lens for Panorama Videos is strict. Therefore, you are not allowed to customize this value when the Exporting Panorama feature is turned on.


There are also some limitations when you wish to export a Panorama Video: